Kris Kuny, Header

Current Projects: JNet (2012 - Present)


Image of Home Page

JNet is the intranet site of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO). It provides a wide range of legislative, administrative, legal, financial, program and information technology services to the federal courts. I am currently the primary IT specialist/web developer for the Department of Technology Services in the AO, and I am responsible for the IT section of JNet.

I work closely within a communications team to ensure the site develops in step with current initiatives and communication goals. I also work closely with the Office of Public Affairs to ensure our IT content aligns with the branding and communication vision of the entire AO.

I work on a variety of web-related projects which are often cross-departmental and fall into the following areas:

Communications and Branding

  • Work closely with Office of Public Affairs to ensure IT branding is consistent with their guidelines and vision
  • Develop web content templates and best practices for content creators

Digital Content Management (DCM)

  • Collaboration with content authors and editors
  • Content Management Systems (CMS) Drupal, SharePoint
  • Manage and process web ticketing app and requests
  • Web site migration
  • Monitor and repair link functionality
  • Work with editors to optimize content for web
  • Coding (HTML, JavaScript, CGI, CSS, SVG, PHP)

IT Business Process Analysis

  • Monitor website ecosystem within the AO and identify emergent issues
  • Troubleshooting CMS and database systems
  • Work with domain administrators to address domain naming issues and site redirects

Information Architecture (IA)

  • Improve court user experience through effective architecture
  • Develop and improve taxonomy through user testing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Monitor and test Content to optimize content rankings
  • Review and update content metadata to promote content
  • Interview content experts to identify and prioritize content placement

Web Usability

  • Web accessibility and section 508 compliance and remediation    
  • Structured document design and end user template implementation

Web Site and Software Interface Design

  • End user experience design and testing
  • Frontend Interface
  • Visual layout and typography

Work Philosophy and Goals

I strive for consistent customer satisfaction from the courts and internal customers. I look beyond the internal organizational boundaries to produce work that has value for the courts.