Kris Kuny, Header

Older Web Sites (1996-2012)

Please note these older sites have changed since I designed them.

Image of Home and (2006, 2009)

I was team lead and worked closely with the client and technical teams to coordinate the development and producton of these sites.

Noteworthy Features of These Projects

Content Migration

The conten was migrated from a defunct web site. I led the effort to categorize and parse the data for content experts to review and update.

Security Guidelines Demanded Air Gap Web Site

Must Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508

The customer (HHS) defined and were developed for the Administration for Children and Families as part of the contract with my employer, Anteon Corporation* and our client, the Child Care Bureau. We were asked to design these sites so a diverse group of web users could find links to federally sponsored web sites of their interest. Since one topic may fall under several categories, we had to create a database that allowed us to sort this information in a number of ways based on the needs of the end user.

I was a team member in a group of individuals with a wide range of technical skills and content knowledge. I worked as a developer and tester during these projects, and I also assisted our client in organizing content.

Image of

Noteworthy Features of These Projects

Portal Web Sites

Both sites are "portal" web sites in that they link web users to federally sponsored information about child care. The content is organized by topic, user group, and government agency. Most of the links appear in multiple categories and we needed flexibility to publish the same content in multiple groupings. Consequently, our team decided to use Apache Cocoon and MySQL so we could develop and publish the content easily.

Cascading Style Sheets and Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508

The Americans with Disabilities Act, (ADA) Section 508 provides guidelines that all federal agencies must follow so that the information is accessible to individuals with visual impairment. In brief, the pages must be coded in a structured fashion so assistive devices such a screen readers can properly follow the page. Consequently, both sites use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and no html tables are used. I was part of the team that developed and tested the CSS code and the visual layout of the pages.

Static Version of a Dynamic Web Site

Due to the policies of our client, we could not host a dynamic site on their server. I worked very closely with our database developer to create a group of scripts that convert the dynamic MySQL site into a set of html files. I also helped test the database interface to ensure that it is easy to update the content.


Image of SecuControl Spanish Version Home PageSecuControl (2003)

Founded in Hettstedt, Germany and now based in Alexandria, Virginia, SecuControl manufactures a unique patented testing system for electrical systems. Their web site is in four languages to accommodate their international customer base and offers technical descriptions and specifications of their testing system in addition to product information. >> more



Image of Newport Hall Home Page in 2003.Newport Hall (2003)

I was subcontracted to Newport Hall from 2002 to 2003. Among my other projects, I was asked to work with their ASP developer to create this interface. This site describes their services, personnel, and history. The key visual characteristics are strong color contrast, efficient use of space, and clear layout of business services.



Image of the Child Care Bureau Home PageThe Office of Child Care

The existing Office of Child Care site was developed in 1999 by another contractor. I maintained this site as necessary. I redeveloped it twice—in 2006 and 2012.



United States House of Representatives (2002-2003)

During 2002 through the end of 2003, I worked as a contractor in the Web Services Division of the House of Representatives. I redesigned the sites listed below and provided technical support to member offices. >> more


Image of the Ailsa Information Services Web Site Home PageAilsa Information Services (2002)

I was hired by Ailsa Information Services to redesign their existing web site. Ailsa Information Services is an information technologies (IT) consulting firm with more than 15 years of experience staffing project teams in the DC metropolitan area.They have recruited staff for major international companies such as for Price Waterhouse Coopers, as well as many of Washington DC’s largest firm’s and government agencies



Image of American Health Care Association Web PageAmerican Health Care Association (1996-2001)

I was Director of Electronic Communications from 1996 through 2001 and designed three web sites and a content management system for internal staff. >> more